The Big Picture, from

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

IT managers eye security and new operating systems among top spending priorities

IT managers eye security and new operating systems among top spending priorities
A new global survey by IDC says IT managers at big companies expect to invest in security, new operating systems and Windows products in the next 12 months.

Become a good Vegas gambler in contract negotiations
Contract negotiations can be more of a black art than an exact science. Before you sit down at the bargaining table, read how to tip the scales to your advantage.

Dispenser supplier sticks with System i
Following a catastrophic power failure and months of wrangling with high availability software, AptarGroup twice has had the opportunity to jump ship from the System i, but stayed.

SAS puts BI on demand with marketing modules
BI is joining the march toward on-demand applications, and SAS is jumping in with two of its marketing tools.

IBM enhances mainframe software for SOA enablement
IBM has released enhancements to its mainframe software to make it easier for programmers to implement SOA environments in their data centers.

Asterisk VoIP gets redundant
Ranch Networks yesterday rolled out appliances that add redundancy to Asterisk servers, ensuring that VoIP service is up and running 24/7.

NAC, IDS cure medical school’s security woes
UMass Medical School has courses on illnesses, but what happens if the network gets sick? The school has taken steps to ensure that won’t happen.

Oracle refuses to learn its lesson, experts say
Oracle critics say the database giant sits on known flaws for too long, leaving its applications open to attack. Is it time for infosec pros to extract Oracle products from their infrastructures?

Security Bytes: Symantec vows to fend off Microsoft
Meanwhile: A virus infects Microsoft Excel files posing as a fantasy soccer spreadsheet and Sophos patches a security hole in its antivirus products.

SAN, NAS converge with new NetApp releases
Customers and industry experts say price and the ability to manage SAN and NAS in one platform could give NetApp's new SAN boxes an edge.

Symantec taps Dell to fix e-mail archiving support
Admitting that its support for Enterprise Vault has been a problem, Symantec plans to lean on Dell to sell and support the software worldwide.


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